

Click Below to Donate Today!

How Does Your Contribution Help?
Your donation will help to provide the latest equipment and training courses for persons who are living with visual impairments in the state of Florida. With these tools, individuals can be better prepared to enter or re-enter the workforce and have the opportunity to lead productive and independent lives.

Contribution Reach

Florida has the fourth largest number of visually impaired and legally blind citizens in the nation — as that number continues to climb as the state’s population expands. Your contribution will help to increase the number of skilled and motivated individuals looking to enter or re-enter the workforce, or looking to advance their careers. The tools they gain today may lead to a greater opportunity tomorrow. In turn, this builds to a stronger economy for Florida.

Ways to Give

Tribute Gift

· Honorariums and memorial gifts are intended to celebrate an occasion or the life of a friend or relative.

Outright Gift

· Often given via cash or check, this form of giving makes it possible for you to see your donation at use in a timely manner.

Corporate Support

· Corporate giving allows companies to donate money, services or products that could assist in the education and rehabilitation of Florida’s blind and visually impaired.


· Your will or trust can designate an amount to be transferred to the Blind Services of Florida Foundation Endowment Fund. If you give a gift through your will or trust, the bequest should be contained in either the body of the will or attached as a codicil.